Anchoring directly into asphalt expedites building delivery

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Anchoring directly into asphalt expedites building delivery

A steel-structured fabric building may not require concrete foundation as the frame can be anchored directly into asphalt. This saves both time and money.

“The anchoring method is especially useful if you need to deploy the building quickly. In an asphalted area, a Best-Hall building can be anchored and set up in no more than a month,” Best-Hall’s Design Manager Jukka Löytynoja.

The anchoring process involves attaching the steel frame in place with anchor bolts more than a metre in length that are struck deep into the asphalt. It is essential for the asphalt to be sufficiently thick to bear the weight of the building. This is why Best-Hall’s experts always assess the suitability of the asphalt before making any anchoring plans.

anchoring a fabric building

Safe method tested by VTT

Best-Hall has tested the safety and durability of its anchoring method in cooperation with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

“We only use tested and sufficiently sturdy anchors. The steel frame tends to move somewhat due to its weight and wind load, but this can be prevented with the right kind of arrangement.”

The anchoring of each building is tested on site to ensure durability.

“The tested anchoring method has also been generally approved by authorities. We have constructed anchored buildings all over Europe in addition to Finland.”

tested safe anchoring metod

Affordable foundation work and straightforward dismantling

Depending on the load, even buildings up to 50 metres wide can be anchored. Buildings larger than that require a concrete foundation. Most often, anchoring is used for sports halls and various storage halls.

“The anchoring method suits unheated storage buildings for ports, logistical operations and industry. Semi-heated sports halls can also be anchored affordably without any foundation work. All you need to do is lay artificial turf or some other training surface on the asphalt.”

If the building is intended to be temporary and will be moved later, the anchoring does not leave unnecessary foundation structure in the ground after dismantling.

08.06.2020 | Reference

Elho increased its production and moved its spare parts to a single warehouse

The Ostrobothnian manufacturer of agricultural machinery ELHO increased its production by one third last year, which created an urgent need for additional production and warehouse facilities. The company acquired an empty industrial property and extended it with a Best-Hall warehouse building constructed on the basis of a similar fabric covered building that has served them well before.... Read more