Pioneering a more ecological future through the largest investment in company history

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Pioneering a more ecological future through the largest investment in company history

Thanks to the largest investment in Best-Hall’s history, we now have one of Europe’s most modern powder coating processes for large components and can offer higher quality surface treatment in our environmentally friendly paint shop.

Our new surface treatment system is almost entirely free of organic solvents, which expedite the formation of ozone in the lower atmosphere. Ozone is a powerful oxidant and therefore harmful to health. It also damages the cellular structure of plants and impedes the growth of trees and cultivated plants. Through this investment, Best-Hall takes one step closer to one of its key strategic objectives of ensuring a more ecological future.

powder painted steel structure

The steel elements are pre-processed with an updated shot blasting machine, which eliminates the need for chemicals containing harmful compounds. This is why the pre-processing is a very environmentally friendly and sustainable process.

According to the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, solvent-based paints are still commonly used in the industrial painting of metals. Best-Hall’s steel elements are powder coated, which requires no solvents. Instead, the paint is attached to the component by baking it in an oven. Powder coating can achieve very high environmental categories, which means that even demanding environmental conditions can be met with reasonable costs. Powder coating also yields an even and beautiful surface, which is immediately hard and therefore resistant to handling.

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Best-Hall invests in quality with a new shot blasting machine

Best-Hall has been painting the steel frames of its buildings for over 45 years. Powder coating was chosen as the surface treatment for the frames because it protects the frame from environmental conditions, and at the same time the smooth surface of the frame protects the fabric from wear and tear. Powder coating is a fast, highly durable and environmentally friendly coating method, which gives the building frames a hard surface that is resistant to mechanical and chemical wear. Read more about the benefits of powder coating here.... Read more